Monday, April 15, 2013

Soaring to new heights ...

A few weeks ago we were off for Spring Break in my corner of the world. Best part? My husband and I both serve the missionary kids at Black Forest Academy so it was OUR break as well! By the way, I use the term, "spring," loosely since it has been just a tad above freezing. With no plans to travel anywhere, we decided we would do a day trip to our favorite spot in Switzerland, Gruyere. It has the best of both worlds with the Callier Chocolate factory and the Gruyere cheese factory. YUM! We set off on our journey with my daughter and her friend. They were looking forward to the chocolate and I was looking forward to seeing my favorite village. Neither of us were disappointed as the chocolate left us with a feeling of satisfaction and the village/castle left us in awe of such beauty. 

After touring the castle we found ourselves in the courtyard with a wall looking over the surrounding villages. This sight never loses its wonder, but that day I had a new experience that I will never forget. While looking out I noticed an extremely large black bird. I'm not an avid bird watcher, but I was mesmerized by this particular bird. It wasn't flapping its wings ... it was gliding, soaring, and seemingly floating. Of course I have seen a bird like this before. Of course I've seen birds soar. But on this day I knew God was about to share a nugget of truth and I just had to wait until He did. The bird was not only gliding, but as it would circle a bit it would soar higher and higher. And then I heard these words, "Are you soaring?" Tears began to fall as I thought on the question. I desperately wanted my answer to be, YES, but I knew in my life at that moment, I was not soaring. My circumstances had become a weight holding me down. The lies and insecurities only added to the weight. I was "flapping" instead of "soaring." He already knew the answer. You see, He knows the end from the beginning. He knows us better than we know ourselves. I admittedly said, "No, Lord." At that moment, I felt His powerful love and I knew He wanted me to soar. I watched that bird until he rose so high I had to look into the sun to see him. All the while he never once flapped his wings. Powerful!

 "...but those that wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles..." Isaiah 40:31 msg

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me -- watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." 
Matthew 11:29-30 msg

A few days later I came across a Facebook post on a friends wall ... 

"An eagle gets its best height for flying in its latter years. Don't give up soaring higher no matter what age you are." Fiona Pyszka

God is still speaking.

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