Thursday, January 17, 2013

It's Been a Month!

Ok.  I am going to be honest here.   I am in a low spot.  Can I just tell you what the last month has been like for us?

Just before Christmas we had some issues with getting our Costa Rican driver's licenses, and to make a realllllly long story short, we had to road trip it to Panama.  With sick kids.  With a mama with mastitis.  4 days before Christmas. 

Then it was Christmas.  Our first one here.  While I was being proactive this year and thought ahead to some things, with our last minute trip, I was scrambling to wrap and make and finish things.  The actual day was good and we were able to spend time with some new friends, but it was still our first Christmas here, with all the emotion that goes with something like that. 

Then camp started. Here's the thing about camp ministry, there are seasons that are very, very intense and then there are seasons that are easier.  Well, right now, is a very, very intense season.  January is our summer camp time (It's summer here, and coffee picking time, so no school!)  My husband is leaving the house at 5:15 am and not getting home until at least 5:30 or 6, sometimes more like 10:00 or 10:30 pm.  And we have one car.  And no friends.  And three little boys.  So guess where I am all day, every day?

And then, two weeks ago, our puppy chewed on our laptop power supply and effectively rendered my computer useless. only connection to the outside.  Oh, and there was no cable in all of Costa Rica (that we could find) that would work for our machine.  Gracias a Dios (thanks be to God!) through  several  kind friends, we were able to get one from the States brought down last week. 

I feel in a lot of ways we have hit up against the culture several times over the last month, and it has left us a bit black and blue. I am not trying to complain, but as I sat down today to write here, I felt so inadequate to share anything, because right now, we're not thriving.  Frankly, we are working on just surviving here.  Just getting through the day with everyone semi dressed, fed and moving forward. 

I was reminded the other day how important it is to be honest in community.  It doesn't do anybody any good to pretend that I've got it all together. I don't, as has been made painfully clear this last month. But when I can be honest with myself and with people around me, when I can be open about what I am dealing with, it lets the Body of Christ work.  And really, that is a beautiful thing! We aren't meant to do life without each other.  I need people to pray for me, to encourage me, to redirect my thinking back to the Truth.  And in turn, I need to pray for others, to encourage others, to remind them of the Truth. 

So now that you know my junk today, how about you? What has been the hardest thing for you in the last month, or last hour?  What is your biggest hurdle right now living overseas?  And how can we pray for you?

Oh, and thanks for letting me vent a little.  I know you guys all understand culture stress here.  It's good to be understood! Thanks!


  1. Hi Friend that I do not know!

    I know this story. Intimately. Did somebody hire you to write my story here? You just switched out the name of the country, and "camp ministry" for just as seasonal "agriculture ministry" and two kids instead of three, and you've got my story.

    We also, have only one car. And when hubby works in the field, he WORKS IN THE FIELD. All day. And guess where I spend the day? I don't have a puppy to chew up my computer cable, but I only have power for it through solar, so when it rains all the time, my connection comes and goes too. And the internet service here is off an on... no forewarning when it disappears for a few days.

    We're in different parts of the world, and we come from different countries, but we share the same reality. Some times it really sucks. Other times it is freakin' awesome. Ups and downs.

    Let's hang in there, my friend! Our Employer has a really great pension plan, it will be worth it in the end!

    Blessings from Africa

    1. Oh!!! While it does my heart good to hear I am not alone, I am sorry you are dealing with it all too :) And you are so right, there are times when it sucks!!! And the other times it's freakin' AWESOME!! Thanks for the reminder! And Lord, please, can the sun be out for a long while to give solar power for my friend in Africa? And give her a glimpse of the awesomeness today!

  2. I remember some years ago when the power was out more than it was on, and when we had an electric oven that made things quite crazy at times. It was one of those seasons as you described. There used to be Mom's Prayer Group here every week and that particular day let me just say I DESPERATELY NEEDED IT! I walked, late, and sat down. I was fine on the outside, but when one lady asked me how I was doing I broke down into tears. You know what? Not one of those ladies had to ask me what was wrong. Each and every one of them knew. Why? Because we've all been there. And you know what? Just knowing that helped me get through that day, and the next, and the next. Here I sit, seven years later, and I still have cultural stress days, but from experience I know it gets better. We're here for you when you need to unload and although cyber hugs aren't the same as real life, I'm sending you and Anonymous from Africa one!

    Serving in Tanzania, East Africa

    1. So wonderful you had that group Tammy! And thanks so much for the encouragement!

  3. Thank you for your honesty! Sometimes it really is just hard. I'll pray for you.

    I don't even know what my biggest hurdle is. Myself? :-P

    1. that's a good way to put it Phyllis, sometimes it's just hard. Period. And thanks for the prayers!

  4. I can relate to this, Liz... really. When we needed to renew our Costa Rican driver's licenses a couple of years ago, we had a crazy experience including a creepy doctor, multiple days of standing in lines and gathering paperwork, paying more than we should have had to for various fees, etc. It made every story of I've ever heard of the DMVs in the US sound like a piece of cake!

    We have a lot of hard days/weeks/seasons. But, I agree with Tammy, after almost five years here, we still have those hard times, but they are somehow easier than they used to be. It's a growing experience!

    I was meditating on 1 Peter 1:3-9 this morning. These verses especially stood out to me, "... you, who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you maybe have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith - of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire - may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."

    That little phrase "for a little while" is such a sweet balm that brings peace to my heart!

    1. Sarah, that is such a great passage!! And yes, "for a little while" really, in the scope all of eternity, this is just a passing thought huh?

  5. I am praying for you and sending hugs as well, Liz! Like everyone, I can so relate to what you shared! You are definitely not alone. Praise God for our community and that we can empathize and pray together!

    We are actually in the US right now (head back to Russia on Sat. morning), and wow, it has been quite a crazy month of medical stuff. I was in the ER in early Dec. in Russia for a bad unknown bacterial infection that seemed initially like meningitis, then a few days later my daughter was horribly sick and almost went to the ER several times for dehydration, then my older 2 got the stomach flu just after that and only 2 days before our trip to the US, then we all got the seasonal flu that lasted for 2 weeks and that sent our youngest to urgent care for bad croup, then I fell down the stairs and spent all day in the ER having our baby monitored (I'm 6+ months pregnant) and having my spine and back examined (Praise God, no spinal damage!!) and was basically unable to move for several days and then quite sore even after, then we had another bout of stomach flu... We have never had so much illness in such a short span. It has been so so crazy!

    I was really struggling when we were still in Russia and trying to get ourselves to Seattle in the midst of the craziness, but the love and support of friends and family here has really been a special gift and a huge help during this season. Please pray for our physical protection! Thank you!!

    1. Oh Ashley!! What a month indeed!! And Lord, please keep Ashley and her whole family healthy for this trip back to Russia. Keep them physically safe and prepare everyone for the transition back to Russia.

  6. Praying for you! It is hard, especially in the beginning! But you know what? One day you are going to go through another rough time and you'll back on this time and see how God brought you through. Sometimes that's all that got me through rough days, just knowing God wanted us here and He would carry us through.

    It gets better! And then you'll have another discouraging time, but you'll come through that one too... and with each one your faith will grow stronger and stronger. Life on the Mission Field... definitely an experience!!!

    1. Thanks so much...yes, we will get through this...that's good to be reminded of

  7. Prayers, Liz... so sorry for you rough month... and at the same time as the challenge of that first Christmas...

    Hard here? My grandparents in the hospital so far away (although the latest word from home is that they are both stabilizing and doing as well as could be expected). The other hard thing for us at the moment centers on security issues and the ominous everyone thinks they know something bad/violent will happen and soon... the question is when and where and who will be impacted - and living daily with the questions of 8 kids... stay or go or stay in lock down mode... etc.

  8. Thanks for the prayers Richelle! And wow! God, please give Richelle and her husband wisdom for the decisions they need to make regarding security. Give them peace and protection. Hedge them in and circle them with your angels. And Lord, somehow use this for your Glory and to make the whole family more like you!

  9. This whole missions life is just like a roller coaster...I go from loving to hating my life...sometimes all in one day! These are the days when I realize that God brought me here to work on ME, and He uses the awful days to grow me up. Hang in does get better.

  10. Oh Liz, I think a lot of us understand you totally. It sounds like a hard month, one where you have to just keep telling yourself, "This too will pass!"

    Here what was hard was: post holiday blues and exhaustion after a busy December and CRAZY pre-menopausal hormones that had me on s ome days LITERALLY fighting back the tears to make it through without my kids seeing!!! Amazingly two Friday afternoons ago while I went on a two hour walk, the Holy Spirit totally took over and I've been different ever since!!!
