Sunday, September 29, 2013

Fonkey English

One of the best parts of living overseas has to be all of the "fonkey" English that we're privileged to see. Here are a few of the funny (and a bit inappropriate... sorry!) things that we've encountered here in Russia.

 Not quite sure how child-friendly this brand name is, but yes, we do own this car-seat.

 Dare I even translate this into English?? Um, it says... "Megafart!" 
This is a casino and apparently "fart" means luck.

And this is one restaurant that my husband and I have never considered for a date night. We did however do some research and found out that, thankfully, Puberty is a town in the Czech Republic.

Ok, so what are some of the funny signs/stores/brands that you've seen where you live? If you have a link to a similar post on your blog, feel free to leave it in the comments!


  1. This is my SIL's blog, not mine, but it goes with your casino name:

  2. I remembered another one. We always laughed when we went past Grossmart in Vladimir.

  3. So funny, Phyllis! Love it. We also got a kick out of the store called "Manbition" in Krasnodar. Also, I lived in China for a year before I was married and there was a shop labeled in English as the "sick shop." It was supposed to say "silk shop." =)

  4. Our local grocery store is called "Supermaxi". It cracks me up.

    We also have a burger joint which was misnames Chessburger. Instead of Cheeseburger.

    My all time favorite store name is a stuffed animal toy store in Cuenca which was horribly misnamed "Hell Kitty"

  5. Ashley! The Megafart has me in stitches! And Phyllis, we have Grossmart here too. My daughter is reminding me that in Ephesus nearby, there's a sales booth with a sign: "Genuine Fake Watches."

    My all-time favorite was an very expensively printed brochure on Turkish ceramics, full of beautiful color pictures and the title was "Why Pot?"

  6. There is a restaurant here in our town called "Peru Bras" meaning it's chicken cooked a certain way =) And there is also a very popular Ritz-like cracker called "Kraps" haha

  7. Oh my, these are all so great that I had to share them with my husband! Thank you for making our day. These sorts of things absolutely crack me up!

  8. Oh my WORD!!! I laughed so hard! Living here in Croatia provides loads and loads of these kinds of "fonkey" English. I do have to share that that I think Croatians have something against men. Brat is brother and Sin is son. Hmmm....

    1. They're the same in Russian, but I guess I had never tied them to their English spellings in my mind. Hah!
